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Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America?by Seth Abramson??????? | Conversation Starters【電子書籍】[ dailyBooks ]
<p><strong>Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America?by Seth Abramson | Conversation Starters</strong></p> <p>In this book, author Seth Abramson thinks that is likely that the Trump-Russia story will end with Americans choosing a new archetype for ‘American traitor’ besides Benedict Arnold. He argues that proof of collusion is in plain sight and there is an almost historic absence of “any exculpatory evidence suggesting the president of the United States did not conspire with our enemies to violate federal law.” The book provides a full record of his investigation. Abramson, a former criminal investigator, a professor, and an attorney, uses his expertise to examine the case.?<br /> Proof of Collusion is an Amazon #1 bestseller under the political intelligence category. It is written by Abramson who is considered by the Washington Post as a “virally popular” reporter of the Trump-Russia scandal.</p> <p><strong>A Brief Look Inside:</strong></p> <p>EVERY GOOD BOOK CONTAINS A WORLD FAR DEEPER<br /> than the surface of its pages. The characters and their world come alive,<br /> and the characters and its world still live on.<br /> Conversation Starters is peppered with questions designed to<br /> bring us beneath the surface of the page<br /> and invite us into the world that lives on.<br /> These questions can be used to..</p> <p>Create Hours of Conversation:<br /> ? Foster a deeper understanding of the book<br /> ? Promote an atmosphere of discussion for groups<br /> ? Assist in the study of the book, either individually or corporately<br /> ? Explore unseen realms of the book as never seen before<br /> ?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:431円
- レビュー件数:0件
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